Feeling lost in your own race...
It's terrifying to think that some of my friends who are South Asian feel secluded from other South Asians because they hang out with people of another race. I had a long discussion with a few friends about this topic and frankly I just don't understand it. I've always said this and will continue saying it...people are people and frankly it doesn't matter what color they are! Most of my friends who are of the South Asians decent are very multicultural and have friends from all parts of the world. I think the more we look at, "oh that person is indian", or that person is white", or that person is so and so, the more we are looking to distinguish ourselves from our fellow humans...the Dalailama himself rarely distinguishes himself as a Tibetian (although he will always fight for the Tibetian cause); he always says he is of one race ---yes you probably guessed it --- the human race....
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